Data Management Strategy
In today's ever growing data sources and technological connectivity, business strategies are ever more dependent on relevent and timely data, to better server to thier client's needs. A successful Data stratregy should follow a the Busines Strategy.
An Enterprise Level Data Managment Startegy includes:
Data Governance as an enablaer of cohisive data strategy among disparate functional groups, promoting operational efficiencies.
MDM as a single source of truth, enabling the business to explore for new information from a single source; ensuring accuracy and reliability of data across multiple sources.
Integeration of data from multiple structured, semi-structured, and un-structured sources requires a new strategy beyond the traditional ETL patch processes. Typical ETL patch processes are slow to implement and impractical for global organizations operating in different time zones.
Discovering actionable insights and patterns from large internal and/or external data sets; data sets can be structured, semi-structures or unstructured data.
Enabling the users to share discovered insight and patterns, toward a common enterprise business strategy.
Enabling the business to see the results of thier actions and decsions in a feed back loops and monitoring the KPIs.